Avis de décès - Magog et environs

Mrs. Louise Gendron Dougherty

Mrs. Louise Gendron Dougherty

28/06/1960 - 20/04/2024

In loving memory of Louise Gendron, loving wife, cherished mother, life long friend and beautiful soul who left this world on April 20th, 2024 at 11:32 AM. Although Louise fought relentlessly to overcome her diagnosis, she remained a beacon of hope in order to do what she loved most; spend more time with cherished friends and family. She dedicated herself to raising three beautiful children with incomparable care and compassion. 

Daughter of Bernard Gendron and Genevieve Stocks, sister to Allen Gendron (Penny Tétrault), aunt of Alex and Ingrid, will be fondly remembered for her warmth, grace, and the love she shared with all who knew her. Her spirit will live on in the hearts of those whose lives she touched, a legacy of unwavering love and kindness.
She leaves behind her devoted husband of 40 years Peter Dougherty, her daughters Alyson (Glenn and grandchildren Quinn and Lucas) and Erin (Joey), sons Liam (Kassandra) and Peixuan (Karen).

Louise was taken from us much too soon.
A celebration of life will be held during the summer months in order to allow the family to grieve during this difficult time.

In lieu of flowers please make a donation in her name to the Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer institute.
The family also wishes to thank the Magog CLSC and their at home hospice caregivers.

À la mémoire de Louise Gendron, conjointe dévouée, mère adorée, fidèle amie qui a quitté ce monde le 20 avril 2024 à 11h32. Bien que Louise ait combattu sans relâche, elle est restée porteuse d'espoir afin de pouvoir faire ce qu'elle aimait le plus : passer plus de temps avec ses amis et sa famille. S'étant consacrée à ses trois magnifiques enfants, elle laisse derrière elle un héritage d’amour et de bonté. 

Fille de Bernard Gendron et de Geneviève Stocks, sœur d'Allen Gendron (Penny Tétrault), tante d'Alex et d'Ingrid, laissera un souvenir éternel de sa douceur, sa générosité et sa bienveillance qu’elle partageait avec tous ceux qui l’ont connue. Son esprit vivra dans les cœurs des personnes qu'elle a touchés.
Elle laisse derrière elle son mari fidèle depuis 40 ans, Peter Dougherty, ses filles Alyson (Glenn et ses petits-enfants Quinn et Lucas) et Erin (Joey), ainsi que ses fils Liam (Kassandra) et Peixuan (Karen).

Une célébration de la vie aura lieu pendant les mois d'été afin de permettre à la famille de faire son deuil pendant cette période difficile.

Au lieu de fleurs, veuillez faire un don en son nom à l'Institut du cancer Rosalind et Morris Goodman.
La famille tient également à remercier le CLSC de Magog et les services des soins palliatifs à domicile.

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France Thibault
21/08/2024 12:45
Thank you for being such an angel. I met you at work and we talked about books and how to be a a good human being. See you soon in heaven!
03/07/2024 11:46
My heart is with you. may she R.I.P . She was a special person.,She will always be remembered.
Stéphanie Bélisle
13/06/2024 22:29
Mes plus sincères sympathies! J'ai eu le plaisir de croiser sa route en travaillant avec elle chez Eka Chimie.
Heidi Brault
19/05/2024 18:33
I was very saddened to hear of Louise's passing just a few hours after she left us. She was taken much too soon and will be missed by many. Our deepest sympathies to her family. Peter and her children and family are very much in our thoughts. Much love, Heidi and Charles
Joanne Bekker
19/05/2024 10:13
Former SSO Local 00034 wish to express their deepest sympathy and sincere condolences at the passing of Louise. Our thoughts are with Louise's Family at this difficult time.
Alain Gamache et Guylaine Caron
05/05/2024 16:05
Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute sa famille. C’était une personne bien attachante Louise et toujours souriante.
Terrie Chase
04/05/2024 9:50
Our deepest condolences to Louise’s family and to all who loved her.
Sadie,Paul,Ted,Terrie,Lorrie and Sherry
Terrie Chase
04/05/2024 9:39
Our deepest condolences to Louise’s family and to all who loved her.
Sadie,Paul,Ted,Terrie,Lorrie and Sherry
France Pelchat & Richard Blanchette
03/05/2024 8:28
Nos plus sincères condoléances à madame Gendron, notre voisine, ainsi qu'à toute la famille.
Jason Dupuis Corbiere & Elisabeth McGovern
02/05/2024 17:00
Our deepest condolences to all of the family.
Richard Bélanger & Sylvie
01/05/2024 20:00
Nous désirons offrir nos condoléances à toute la famille. Nos pensées sont avec vous en ces moments difficiles.
Sylvie St-Laurent et Robert Gauvin
01/05/2024 19:38
Nos plus sincères condoléances à tous ses proches.
Johanne Dupuis et John Corbiere
01/05/2024 18:00
Nos plus sincères condoléances à Peter et sa famille ainsi qu'à Allen et Penny,Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous.
Line Poulin et François Lavarière
01/05/2024 14:26
Nous désirons offrir nos condoléances à toute la famille et amis de Louise.
Frank Sparkes
29/04/2024 14:58
I knew Louise well from working at Alexander Galt. She was a kind gentle person who will be missed. Condolences to Alyson, Erin, and Liam.
With love, Sparky 
Alain Goulet
28/04/2024 19:19
Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille. Louise était une femme extraordinaire, sa joie de vivre rayonnait sur nous tous. Ce fut pour moi un réel plaisir de la connaître. Bon voyage Louise.
Catherine Laflamme
27/04/2024 7:40
Mes plus sincères sympathies à sa famille en ces moments difficiles. Ayant côtoyée Louise pendant plusieurs années au travail, je n’ai que de bons mots à son égard : elle était une femme douce, gentille, rayonnante et appréciée de tous !
Susan Baird Barcier
27/04/2024 7:14
My deepest condolences to Louise’s family and to all who loved her. She was always such a kind person. And she will be missed by so many.
Todd Winquist
26/04/2024 20:21
I wish eventual peace for Peter and family. Louise was the best, there was no kinder soul. A cherished colleague, I enjoyed all our chats, usually in the morning upon arrival. Louise will live on through all she nurtured in you. My sincere condolences.
Pierrette Beauregard
26/04/2024 7:50
Mes plus sincères condoléances à sa famille, Louise était une personne chaleureuse et une très agréable compagne de travail.
Gregory Sayer
26/04/2024 6:28
Words can not express how we feel for everyone who knew Louise. To Peter and family, our prayers go out to you all.
Lynn and Lewis Hopps
25/04/2024 19:30
Our deepest sympathies to Peter and all of the family .
Martin Poulin et Hélène Rodrigue
25/04/2024 18:43
Nous désirons offrir nos condoléances à toute la famille et amis de Louise
Martin et Helene
Martin Poulin et Hélène Rodrigue
25/04/2024 18:42
Nous désirons offrir nos condoléances à toute la famille et amis de Louise
Martin et Helene
Martin Poulin et Hélène Rodrigue
25/04/2024 18:42
Nous désirons offrir nos condoléances à toute la famille et amis de Louise
Martin et Helene
Lyne and Trevor Catchpaugh
25/04/2024 12:01
Our deepest sympathies to all the family specially Peter, the children and Mrs. Gendron. It was a shock to hear that Louise had passed. Our thoughts and prays are with you.
Kimball & Lisa Smith
25/04/2024 7:42
Peter and family and all friends of Louise - Our best thoughts at this sad time.
Paula rediker
25/04/2024 7:17
My deepest sympathies to the whole family.
Chantal Turgeon
24/04/2024 22:36
My sincere condolences to Peter and the family. Louise will be so dearly missed.
I am so saddened by this news. My thoughts and prayers are with her.

Take care.

Heather Catchpaw
24/04/2024 22:34
My sympathies to the family
Alan & Martine Kezber
24/04/2024 21:56
We are so very sorry to hear of your loss. Hoping in time you find comfort from all the beautiful moments shared together - the Kezber’s
Lucie Tanguay, Yves Cardin, Sam et Will
24/04/2024 21:35
Nous désirons offrir nos plus sincères condoléances à Peter et aux enfants ainsi qu'à toute la famille et amis. Nous sommes terriblement surpris et peinés d'apprendre cette triste nouvelle. Toutes nos pensées sont envers vous dans cette dure épreuve. Bon courage.
Lucie & Yves Cardin, Sam & Will
Thinking of the family at this moment
24/04/2024 17:34
Thinking of the family at this moment .
Kathy Fidler-Cook
24/04/2024 17:13
My deepest sympathy to Peter , your children and the entire family. I know how much she will be missed by all those who were lucky to have had Louise in their lives. May your memories sustain you and give you comfort at this time.
Bob Thouin
24/04/2024 16:54
Mrs. Gendron and Louise’s family - my sincere condolences. While I’ve known Louise and the Gendrons all my life, we reconnected just recently. I did get to emphasize with Louise that her permanent smile and friendliness will live on with everyone who knew her.
Lise Thibault et Daniel Boivin et Claire Lebel
24/04/2024 15:50
Nos sympathies
Betty Hall
24/04/2024 15:37
My heart goes out to all the family. I am so deeply sorry Peter for your loss. We always enjoyed your visits to the Beebe bookstore on Saturday mornings.
Lise and Walter Dougherty
24/04/2024 14:34
Our deepest sympathies to Peter and to all of Louise's family. She was a wonderful person and I really enjoyed working with her, such a kind and loving soul❤️
Ken and Glenda Huff
24/04/2024 12:55
Peter and Family, Our condolences to you at this difficult and sad time. Ken and Glenda Huff
Ken and Glenda Huff
24/04/2024 12:55
Peter and Family, Our condolences to you at this difficult and sad time. Ken and Glenda Huff
Judy-Ann Ward
24/04/2024 11:06
Louise you were a person with a great heart, a smile that brought sunshine every where you were. My sincere condolences to the family.
Jonathan Corriveauc
24/04/2024 10:32
Mes plus sincères condoléances a la famille et amis. Quelle femme extraordinaire, dévouée et aimante. Mes pensées sont avec vous en ce moment.
Roberto Bonfiglio
24/04/2024 10:19
Mes condoléances à tous les proches de Louise. Merci pour la belle photo de Louise en sourire avec ses lunettes sur la tête. En apprenant son décès hier,, c'est précisément l'image qui me revenait en tête alors que je la côtoyais régulièrement tandis qu'on travaillait au bureau. Nul n'avait de grief contre elle, au contraire. Merci Louise pour ton travail assidu et professionnel dans l'équipe du bureau de Sherbrooke et aussi pour avoir été une collègue toujours agréable à côtoyer.
Judy Richert
24/04/2024 9:28
sinceres sympathies a la famille . Que les beau souvenirs appaise les douleurs d'un perte d'une grande person bien aimée

sincere sympathies , may the beautiful souvenirs of your lost loved one, accompany your family in your grief
Mariette St-Jacques
24/04/2024 9:12
My deepest sympathies to all of Louise’s family and friends.
Sophie Tremblay statcan
24/04/2024 8:35
Toutes mes sincères condoléances à la famille pour cette perte inestimable.
Cara Whipple
24/04/2024 8:24
My sincere sympathies to all who knew Louise. I only knew her for a very short time, but right away loved her spirit and tenacity. Rest now Louise! You were a true inspiration to all who met you.
Chantal Menard
24/04/2024 8:05
My deepest sympathies to the whole family, I worked with Louise for many years she was a wonderful and kind person
Camille Boisvert and Luigi
24/04/2024 7:29
To the family our deepest condolences…. We share your grief….
To Genevieve, we gave birth at the same time and they left us much too soon.
Louise will always watch over you and help you continue the road…till you meet again.
Rollande Lefebvre
24/04/2024 7:20
Mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille.
Bee Santori
24/04/2024 0:58
"Ode To Louise Gendron"
Once upon a time,
the book of life of a new soul
had its beginning on earth.
To the Gendron family
with blessings from heaven
a beautiful baby was birth.
The little baby a girl
was given the name Louise,
which befitting would prove to be.
As the young baby grew,
so did her resolve,
to make better her capability.
The meaning of the name
‘renowned warrior’
Louise embodied it well,
Throughout her life on earth
she stood her ground with courage,
her story one moving to tell.
A welcoming person
with an endearing smile,
hers a kind and caring heart.
Action oriented,
energetic and strong willed
her personality topping the chart.
She once worked at a bakery,
and to the baked goods she sold,
she included sprinkles of love.
That then young lady
was so very sweet,
always going beyond and above.
Thoughtful and considerate
this the young lady was,
her character good-natured strong.
Louise embraced life
with a positive approach,
always repelling the wrong.
As she journeyed through life,
she found her soul-mate,
a young man of fine quality.
Louise and Peter
complemented each other,
a solid force pro love they both be.
With their love ever strong
they started a family,
an awesome mother Louise became.
She embraced her three children
with tender loving warmth,
to give her all was truly her aim.
Aly, Erin-Leigh, and Liam,
three upstanding souls
are in their mom’s footsteps inclined.
Thus the good works of Louise
will continue to thrive,
via the children in heart and mind.
A child, a daughter,
a soul-mate, a mother,
Louise was all of these and more.
Each of her assigned roles,
she carried out with diligence,
being genuine she always stood for.
Integrity, uprightness,
fortitude, and moral strength
were part of her personality.
She embraced truth, and openness,
never dismissing them once,
a role model to humanity.
In her work activities of late,
all of her values.
these she incorporated with zest.
Whatever be her ventures,
personal, work or social,
Louise always put forth her best.
Resilient, action oriented,
energetic and strong willed,
never ever did she stand still.
She was very resolved,
so to be involved,
and this was her desired will.
This is the story
of a fine young soul,
who was destined to better the earth.
Once upon a time,
with blessings from heaven
this beautiful baby was birth.
Her predestined role,
she took on with resolve,
being successful at every stride.
Giving up for her,
never entered her mind,
Louise she had lots of pride.
Of her life on earth,
the final chapter she’s completed,
her sequel has now begun,
In her after life,
now a spirit,
another story is being spun.
Louise is with the creator
from whence she once hailed,
her caring role to continue from there.
Being now a spirit,
she has extra ability
at any time to be anywhere.
This fine young soul
on earth will be missed,
of many she was an integral part.
Though in flesh she is gone
her spirit will live on,
there embedded in many a heart.
Ode to Louise,
‘a renowned warrior’
who with courage so stood her ground.
Always strong and positive,
till her very last breath,
of love she has left an abound.
23/04/2024 23:26
I can't imagine the pain you're going through right now. Her kindness and warmth touched so many lives. My sincerest condolences to you.
Houkai Qian
23/04/2024 23:18
Mrs. Louise was an incredibly kind and warm-hearted person. She wasn’t just my friend’s mother; she was a beacon of kindness that left a lasting impact on me. I first met her during high school, and through Peixuan, I had the privilege of staying connected with Mrs. Louise and her family over the years. Whenever she heard that I faced difficulties, she was always willing to lend a helping hand. Her holiday blessings also warmed me every time. Although our meetings were infrequent, every thought of her fills my heart. As now we bid farewell, the void left behind is undeniable. I would like to express my deepest condolences to her family. May the beautiful memories you shared with Mrs. Louise bring you comfort during this difficult time. Mrs. Louise, you will always be missed.
Nathalie Filion
23/04/2024 23:05
I was also unaware that Louise was battling cancer and the news on Saturday evening came as a shock. Louise was always so kind and friendly to me. She really cared about others. Her smile will be missed. My thoughts and prayers to her husband Peter, her beautiful children, grandchildren and family.
Nathalie Filion
Louise Caron
23/04/2024 22:53
Sincère condolences to Louise’s family and many friends. A life well lived and far too short.
Donna Langlois
23/04/2024 21:48
My sincere condolences to Louise’s family. We grew up together, worked in the same field and always had a moment to stop and chat. Louise was a kind soul and will be remembered by everyone who knew her.
Jane Schick
23/04/2024 20:38
Louise was a treasure. Kind, loving and caring. Her passion for her husband, children and friends unwavering. A beautiful soul. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her.
Chelsea Murphy
23/04/2024 20:29
I'm so very sorry to hear of Louise's passing. We worked together at Stats Can back in 2005 while I was attending Bishop's. We spent many lunches and breaks chatting to one another. She was such a warm and caring person who spoke so lovingly and proudly of her husband and children. I will cherish those conversations and am happy I met Louise. My sincerest condolences go out to her family.
Susan David et Louis Gauthier
23/04/2024 20:16
Chère Madame Gendron,
Cher Peter et les enfants.
C’est avec stupéfaction et grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Louise.Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances ,et nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous.
Susan et Louis .

Chelsea Crook
23/04/2024 19:58
My sincere condolences. Louise was always so kind,welcoming and such a bright light.
Ngaire DeNora
23/04/2024 19:50
I’m very sorry to hear of Louises passing. My sympathies and condolences to everyone in your family. Louise was a kind person.

Amelia Julien
23/04/2024 19:48
I was unaware that Louise was Battling cancer … I wish my condolences to her family and friends. Louise had a great soul , a beautiful person and a wonderful teacher. Everytime we crossed path, she was so warming and happy. Thank you for everything Louise , you will be missed a lot <3. -Amélia
Robert Halsall
23/04/2024 19:45
Wow! What can we say. One of the loveliest women that I ever known. Great wife, wonderful mother, beautiful daughter and unbelievable friend. Never heard a negative word come out of her mouth. A positive person. Going to be missed by so many.!
My love goes out to all her family and friends.
Gail Catchpaw
23/04/2024 19:28
Thinking of the family at this time
Josée Woodard
23/04/2024 19:22
My sincerest sympathies to the family
Marguerite Rolland
23/04/2024 18:17
I am so sorry for your loss. Louise took photos at my sister Mary's 50th birthday as her gift. Now they are both safe from all harm. Please accept my sincere condolences and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Henriette houle
23/04/2024 17:35
Mes sympathies à la familles de la familles Dougherty de la famille Menard
Monique Labbe
23/04/2024 16:55
My deepest condolences to Peter and Allen as well as their families
Andrea Westover
23/04/2024 16:46
My deepest sympathies to all of Louise’s family and friends. She truly was a beautiful person who left this world too soon. She will be sadly missed.
Brigitte Miljour
23/04/2024 16:36
Mes sincères sympathies à toute la famille. Louise était une compagne de travail à STATCAN que j'appréciais.
Danielle Beaudoin et Mario Langlois
23/04/2024 16:33
Toutes mes sympathies à la famille éprouvée spécialement à sa mère. C'est tout un choc. Bon courage.
Michael Dougherty et Lise Dolbec
23/04/2024 15:41
Our sincerest condolences to all of the family. Our thought and prayers are with you in these difficult moments.
Gabrielle Boileau
23/04/2024 15:28
I just found out that Louise passed away. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Way back when, Louise helped me get my first job at the Patisserie Gaby. Her Mom knew my Mom and so Louise put in a good word for me to the owners. Later, we would sometimes meet on the Champlain/Bishop's campus, where we were both studying. She was always so nice and friendly.

Take care, Gabrielle
Lisa Greenland
23/04/2024 15:21
Ours deepest sympathies to Peter her children’s to her mom to Alex and penny ours thoughts are with you in this hard time .Louise was a beautiful women in and out may you rest in peace beautiful angel from Lisa and brent Coates
Cecile Boileau
23/04/2024 14:56
I was unaware that Louise was battling cancer, so her passing came as a shock. I'm so sorry. I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to Louise's husband Peter, her mother Ginnie, and all the children and grandchildren at this trying time. Although I didn't know Louise well, whenever we would cross paths, she would greet me with friendliness and warmth. I always thought she was a lovely person. Bon courage. Cécile

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